William W. Amaral Legacy Award

This award was established in 2015 as a lifetime achievement award in recognition of significant and lasting contribution to the field of paleontology through advancement of the objectives of the Association. This award is named after its inaugural recipient, William W. Amaral. 

Recipients of the William W. Amaral Legacy Award embody the traits that personify Bill; that he spent his career working to instill in others: patience, vigilance, collegiality, and above all, a drive to advance techniques in paleontology.

Award Nomination Proceedures

Any AMMP member in good standing may submit a nomination for the Amaral Legacy Award. Nominees do not need to be members of AMMP to be nominated or selected as recipient.

Nominations will be accepted at any time. Deadline for award year is February 1st annually.

Nominees are considered after February 1 annually, and a receipient is selected and notified by March 1st.

To nominate a deserving candidate, you must submit the following to the awards committee chair:

1. Letter of nomination with detailed description of the nominee's contributions to materials and methods in paleontology.

2. Additional letters of support from colleagues familiar with the nominee's work.

Please submit nominations and direct questions to awards@paleomethods.org.


2023 Marilyn Fox

2021 Amy Davidson

2018 Gregory Brown

2017 William Sanders

2016 Pete Reser

2015 William W. Amaral

Association for Materials and Methods in Paleontology

Established 2014

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