Silent Auction

The Silent Auction will take place at the 2025 Annual Meeting, providing an exciting opportunity to support the McCarty Student Travel Grant Fund. In addition to the auction, a variety of apparel, drinkware, and other merchandise featuring current and select past AMMP meeting logos are now available for purchase through the Cafepress AMMP Store.

Contributions to the McCarty Student Travel Grant fund can be made through direct donations, and item contributions for the Silent Auction. We welcome donations of museum and field-related books, fossil casts*, lab and field tools, artwork, handmade crafts, and unique paleontological memorabilia. All donations should conform to the AMMP mission and ethics statement.

Your generous support will help provide financial assistance to students attending the annual meeting, fostering the next generation of museum and preparation professionals.

*Donations of fossils will not be accepted. Fossil casts need to have written permission from the appropriate institution.

2025 Host Committee

Shawn Haugrud, Chair

East Tennessee State University

Gray Fossil Site and Museum

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