Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is tasked with keeping the membership informed of Association activities, and to provide the public with adequate information to understand the mission of AMMP.

This committee seeks to provide an outlet for Publications, Training, Strategic Planning, and the Board to convey information and news. Participants in this committee have experience with design, editing, and, social media. It is our mission to engage in the community of members and non-members interested in paleontological materials and methods through various outlets and platforms.

Key Responsibilities

    1. Keep all relevant data updated on the website; especially in relation to the Annual Meeting.
    2. Strategize on methods to get AMMP’s message out.
    3. Provide members with valuable information to be used as a resource.
    4. Use design and visual skills to create eye-catching and easily readable print and digital media.

Expected Time Commitment    

    1. Initial time commitment expected to be 10-20 hours per month.
    2. With collaborations and expanded roles of committee members, time commitment may be reduced to an average of 5 hours per month.

Qualities, skills, and attributes beneficial for committee members

    1. Knowledge of website management and ability to navigate the chosen membership management software (currently Wild Apricot).
    2. Basic visual design abilities.
    3. Knowledge of online payment management software.

Available support for committee

    1. Committee will collaborate with the board on content and updates, as well as other committees.
    2. Access to membership database to contact individuals for relevant content.
    3. Website hosting supported by AMMP treasury.

Accountability to the board (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)

    1. Board will communicate needs and expectations to Communications Committee.
    2. Major updates planned should be reported to board prior to upload.
    3. Any new communication outlets should be approved by the board prior to implementation.

Committee Co-Chairs

Christina Byrd

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University

Conni O'Connor

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument


Association for Materials and Methods in Paleontology

Established 2014

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